Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Paths We Choose

I chose to be a mother. I love being a mother. But lately I have been very overwhelmed by this choice.

Motherhood has been the best, most amazing experience and I am only 6 months in, but I  find that at times I am too hard on myself about doing it all. It is hard to let go of things that I used to be able to handle. Things like a making dinner every night, having a clean house, an empty sink, laundry hampers that aren't overflowing, and an even halfway organized office seem to be harder and harder to achieve. 

To finish a day when the kitchen is a disaster, the fridge is completely empty and the office is piled high with papers it does not always seem like enough that my baby is alive and happy and loved. But I am slowly learning to let that be enough. In the moments when I let that be enough, I am much happier and overall a more patient and a better mother. 

When I stop to think about it and talk through it, it becomes much less overwhelming. I can focus on my baby and there are people that I can ask for help with everything else. First off, we have been able to hire help for me in the office (the best decision ever), we have a cleaning crew who we hired to help with the house, and most importantly I have wonderful friends and family who will bring me dinner and pick up my prescriptions when I can't get out of the house and make me feel normal when I want to cry and make me laugh when I feel like I'm about to pull my hair out.

Now since I haven't posted in forever I will just dump all the recent photos of my baby on you. I literally kiss him and tell him I love him a million times a day.  

My sweet Phoenix is 6 months old he is almost 18 lbs. He can sit up, has two teeth and he talks all day long, I mean alllll day long. He LOVES to eat. He'll chow down on sweet potatoes, avocado, pears, pretty much everything he tried!


  1. You are a great mom! And motherhood is HARD. No question.

  2. Well said, Chelsea. Being a mom is so hard and it's so impossible to balance it all AND find time for yourself, but the most important thing is to show our children how loved they are. Phx is so lucky to have you as his momma.
