So this past weekend I attended something called
Time Out for Women. I pulled this off their
website "
Time Out for Women is an inspirational event for women. Attendees are treated to messages of inspiration from respected authors and music artists. TOFW offers a day of learning, laughing, and lifting of spirits. It's a great opportunity for women everywhere to gather and get recharged through motivational messages and music."
I had never heard of it, but my girlfriend convinced me to go with her, and to be honest I was a little skeptical. I was expecting it to be totally cheesy and boring, but I was pleasantly surprised that is was really great. The majority of the presenters were interesting and inspiring and I really did feel empowered and uplifted. Of course there were times that I caught myself falling asleep and other times that I just had to laugh at the silliness, but overall I am glad that I went. It is always good to take a minute to reflect and to be reminded of things that we all know but somehow tend to forget. There were a things that stuck out to me personally:
#1. It is okay to feel sad, angry, frustrated, annoyed, etc. It doesn't mean we are weak, or that we are not happy or don't have a good life. It is part of being human and it is normal, necessary & healthy to express our feelings. The same way that we teach children to "use their words" to explain how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way, we need to do the same thing. Express it, then move on.
#2. It is okay to compliment yourself. It is okay to share your talents & strengths with others. Easily taking compliments from others or saying that you are good at something does not make prideful. It is simply showing gratitude for the things that God has blessed you with.
Aside from all this serious stuff, I did laugh a lot and the best part was spending time with some old friends!
The area around the convention center (the harbor & the pike) is really gorgeous. Long Beach is so huge there is still so much to explore!
Good for you Chels!