Monday, August 15, 2011

The OC Fair!

This weekend we went on a date to the OC Fair! Believe it or not at the age of 27, I have never been to the fair. Growing up on the east coast I remember going to carnivals, street fairs, arts festivals and all sorts fun things, but never a big state fair. It was amazing! There were tons of rides, a petting zoo, a pie eating contest, music, shows and more fried foods then should ever be allowed at one time. We ate hot dogs and fried oreos and got to see everything from the world's largest steer to dogs doing back flips while catching frisbees. Mason was a good sport as I squealed with excitement and dragged him around to see everything! I loved it, loved it, loved it


  1. haha... I love the OC Fair as well... I'd never been to a "small" fair til I went to College... I thought all fairs were like the OC Fair! ;) Glad ya had fun!

  2. I haven't ever been either, but hear it's great! Maybe one of these years we'll go. Glad you had such a great time.
